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Category: Uncategorized
Working on the Lores: The Silver Phoenix and Rising Sun City
Howdy all! This isn’t the follow-up I had initially planned here (life got a bit complicated and I went back to focusing on designing the actual, y’know, game). We’ll conclude our discussion on Mystic Martial Arts design another time! BUT MEANWHILE, I want to talk about the FINAL chapter of the game and share… Read more
Making a Kung-Fu style in Lone Wolf Fists PART 1
Development on Lone Wolf Fists proceeds apace: just put a bow on the GM chapter this week. For those of you keeping score at home: that gives us the holy trinity of Rules, Character Creation and Process that you need to run campaigns. If you’d like access to those rules and you aren’t already,… Read more
The need for Loresheets
Before I begin: Kickstarter! Woo! As of the time of this post, we’ve blown through our funding goal by nearly double AND there’s still a week to grab your copy of the game. Get to, you fantastic mutants! So okay, I wanted to talk about Loresheets today. I’ve made a lot of fans of Legends… Read more
Updates, playtest, and the Kickstarter Round 2
Quick post today, updates on the game and other stuff that is happening. Who does Hiro give that flower to? Become a Patron and find out! First! I’ve been working on some minor tweaks and updates, streamlining and cleaning up the rules. This is a bit more extensive than the original scope of the tech-edit… Read more
Untitled Post
Lots of cobwebs around here Loooots of cobwebs. But hey…. It’s Halloween. Cobwebs are appropriate. We’re talking about Gnolls today. Or, as I like to call them, Hyena-men. I mean, which sounds scarier? Gnoll: Hyena-man: You get the picture. I always found packs of Hyenas to be eerie. That might be a consequence of so… Read more
I don’t like 5th edition but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good
I have a confession to make: I both don’t like and admire 5th edition. Prance! Prance against the giants! I’m not in tune with the cultural zeitgeist this time around, I guess. Although I like the first season of Stranger Things well enough, and that Rocks and Marty is a pretty funny cartoon. I have… Read more
Trash setting
Well of course it’s trash: It’s the Apocalypse, smartass 😉 But what’s in a setting, anyway? What distinguishes your Yoon Suins from your Creations from your Greyhawks from your Dark Suns from your All Under Heavens? I’ve gone on-record about how the simple length and game-mechanic-relevance of a setting’s presentation distinguishes a playable setting from… Read more
Playtest thoughts and other things that are happening right now
Man, never try to write an RPG mid-semester. You’d think I’d have learned that lesson watching poor John Mørke practically kill himself on EX3 but no, I just gotta time everything like a complete idiot. Playtests so far: 1. My primary in-house, consisting of 3 sessions total. Set in the Demon City fighting the nascent… Read more
Lone Wolf Fists open playtest
Finally! Got this beast written to my satisfaction. And it only took an entire year longer than I thought it would! Yay! Also still fiddling with the cover. Go! Get it! Here’s some ways you can thank me for making this awesome game: Go and download it it for free! This helps my Dtrpg numbers… Read more
The social arts (No I still haven’t finished re-writing Heart! Bug off!)
Full disclosure: the Courtier’s Arts were my favorite secret art. They had some strong contenders too; the prophecy-creating Scholar arts were conceptually brilliant (they did more for Sidereals at my table than hundreds of awkwardly-written charms ever did) and the Priest’s arts essentially encapsulated all of the most gonzo stuff I love from stuff like… Read more